Banking 4.0 - From Utility to Lifestyle

Sinaia, November 25-26-27


Conversational banking in digital time

Sinaia resort – Bucegi Mountains
The former residence of kings
When: 27-28 November 2024


Bucharest, Romania


23 2023

10 Key Points to attend BANKING 4.0 in 2025

  • Network with minded people across the globe
  • Keep up with the latest financial services news and FinTech trends
  • Present and discover new industry innovations
  • Develop a lead generation pipeline
  • Streamline your business processes
  • Collaborate with others and connect with potential clients
  • Educate your team on innovations and opportunities
  • Increase your brand visibility
  • Expand your business
  • Sinaia – “The Carpathian Pearl “ – a unique mountain resort to visit

This year, in the context of the PSD 3, we are launching a new challenge to the experts:


As digitalization becomes a given, the next frontier is creating life-centric banking experiences.

Customers demand financial brands that go beyond functionality to align with their values, emotions, and aspirations.

This year’s theme challenges the industry to step up as lifestyle partners, empathetic advisors, and community builders, transforming banks from mere utilities into meaningful, trusted presences.


Event agenda

Second Stage Agenda

Money in Metaverse

The Metaverse – built from virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality – is arriving via wearable headsets that have cameras, microphones, speakers, sensors and communications built in. These spatial computing technologies create new social and economic connections, and while some of these connections are virtual, the business implications are very real.


The authors set out the potential for financial services in metaverses and the ‘always-on’ immersive future internet, beginning with a look at the key technologies needed to make these metaverses useful for businesses. They then go on to explore the emerging realities in which new markets will function and the digital assets that will be exchanged in transactions between online identities.


The book develops a comprehensive and practical model of the Metaverse and the nature of those new transactions in a business environment. It has a clear view of virtual worlds and it provides both a simple taxonomy for digital assets and a tried-and-tested model of digital identity that will provide a better understanding of the opportunities that exist in the many metaverses where we will work, rest and play in the near future.

More about the authors here.

Death by Screens

The hardest thing to explain about a design, is the elusive ‘why?’ Why is it like that? It’s tough to communicate your design decisions, especially when everyone has an opinion about design. The remedy to this problem isn’t what you say about the design, it’s the story you tell about it. It’s more important than the design itself. Death by Screens makes it simple to craft a story about your design with an easy-to-follow process and a template presentation structure. You don’t need to be a rockstar presenter, you just need to get your story straight.
Death by Screens teaches designers how to tell a persuasive story about their design work, and become confident, influential communicators.
The book is written by Ben Sauer, speaker, and leader in product design who have trained hundreds of designers, including at NASA, Amazon and the BBC.
What he says about his work: “I find ways in which digital products can better meet the needs of people. I’ve advised teams across the world on what and how to design products.”
In the past, Ben successfully redesigned the social network of a $100 billion dollar company with 400K employees. He also designed an app that won Apple’s Newsstand app of the year (Evo).
Ben is also training people in how to design voice UI for O’Reilly. As a result, he trained organisations worldwide in this (not so) new design practice, including NASA. He offers talks, workshops and training in how to craft the best conversational interactions for users. Ben created so designers can find all the best voice design principles in one place.

More about the authors here.


Standard One Day

  • Access to conference
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch
  • --
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Standard Two Days

  • Access to conference
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --


  • Access to conference
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch
  • Accommodation and breakfast included (1 night)
  • Transport Bucharest - Sinaia and return ( by bus )
  • Book
  • --


  • Access to conference
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch
  • Accommodation and breakfast included (2 nights)
  • Transport Bucharest - Sinaia and return ( by car )
  • Book
  • Private Tour & Dinner - Cantacuzino Castle
  • Private Tour & Dinner - Bran Castle
Pentru achiziția a minim 5 bilete, beneficiați de o reducere de 10%.
Pentru comenzi de 10 bilete sau mai multe, reducerea se dublează.

Banking 4.0 - powered by

A global leader in payments

European payment processor

Gold Partners

A world leader in digital payments

 A leading end-to-end financial product management platform

Silver Partners

Fast & secure mobile payments

Digital banking made fast, easy and personalised

AI-powered identity verification platform

Pioneer of the contactless technology in Romania

 It’s time to modernize your payment card program


Technology Partners

Institutional Partners

The Romanian Association of Banks

 The Romanian Fintech Association

Luxemburg House of Financial Technology

Media Partners


Carpathian Mountains

Home to outstanding
natural beauty

Sinaia Resort

Former residence of the Romanian Kings

Casino Sinaia

A glimps in the luxuriant life at the
end of 19th century


Sinaia resort – “The Carpathian Pearl”

Situated in a breathtaking mountain scenery, the resort is located at an altitude between 798 and 1055m, on the south-eastern slope of
the Bucegi Massif, along the Prahova Valley, at 120 km from Bucharest (nearly 110 km from the Henry Coanda Airport) and 40 km from
Braşov. Sinaia takes its name from the 17th century monastery built by a Romanian nobleman – Mihail Cantacuzino – after undertaking a
pilgrimage to Mount Sinai, Egypt.

Sinaia is one of the most famous and oldest mountain tourist resorts in Romania, known as “The Carpathian Pearl”. It is best known for
being the summer residence of the Romanian Royal family.
Therefore, Sinaia is more than just a resort, it is history. The city is officially documented for the first time around the year 1200. The
city’s orthodox church is the oldest proof and one of the interesting places to visit. By far, the most interesting place to visit in Sinaia is
the Peles Castle. This is one of the best-preserved royal palaces in Europe. It served as the summer residence of the first Hohenzollern
king of Romania, Carol I.

Built in the latter half of the 19th century, it was the king’s attempt to imitate the styles of his former homeland, creating a Bavarian
setting in the mountains of Romania. The palace is ornately decorated, both the interior and the exterior, with intricate wood carvings
and paintings of scenes from Wagner operas.


Peles Castle – Source:

The Casino from Sinaia
Located in the northern part of the “Dimitrie Ghica” park, the “Casino” in Sinaia is still today one of the edifices – a symbol of the resort.
The imposing building was built in record time, in just one year (1911-1912), on the site where the villa Ghica once stood, the resort’s
first villa, built by Prince Dimitrie Ghica.

The casino in Sinaia had as its main shareholder the baron de Marçay, also a shareholder in the casino in Monte Carlo, which is why it
was speculated that this building would be a faithful copy of the French edifice.
Weekends at Casino attracted the social elite, the old aristocracy and the privileged for roulette and card games (baccara, Brazilian). At
4:00 p.m., when the gambling halls opened, the “servants of vice” got off the Bucharest-Sinaia “pleasure train” that ran on Saturdays
and Sundays. The flow of players from that period is unimaginable for today, this “social magnet” hosting, every game day, 600-800

It is said that, before entering the Casino, the players, confident of the chances of significant winnings, threw silver into the artesian well
near the building. After the Second World War, Sinaia Casino became the property of the Romanian state. In 1995, the casino passed into the State
Protocol Administration.



Banking 4.0 - TV


“Soon it will be 25 years since I’ve been organizing events in the banking
industry. It all started with Expo-Invest in 2002, the First Financial Fair
focused on selling banking products. It was the first time in Romania when
people could interact directly with bank employees outside of branches.
The event anticipated the explosion of bank retail a year later.

Starting with 2017, with the European Commission’s decision to
democratize banking through PSD2, we opted to expand to a new
business line: international events that promote the impact of emerging
technologies on banking. It was an inspired decision. Since then, thousands
of experts from 34 countries have physically attended our event and over
20,000 online. Banking 4.0 is now an internationally recognized brand as
one of the most appreciated fintech events in CEE.

Having reached the 10th edition, we continue to offer premieres and
anticipate trends that will make the difference. This year we invite you
to analyze a new theme: “conversational banking in digital time”, in the
wonderful mountain resort Sinaia, the former summer residence of the
kings of Romania, located in a fairytale land, in the immediate vicinity of
Bran Castle – Dracula’s Castle.”

Sergiu Cone

Banking 4.0 – Event Organizer


10 editions

Hundreds of companies and intl’s speakers

Thousands of in-person attendees

+20,000 online viewers